2022 pick-up volleyball sign-up

2022-2023 Pick-up Volleyball League Information
Since we are still not working in the building, there is not enough interest to have our normal full league with teams that are scheduled to play each other. Instead, we will again play pick-up volleyball for anyone who wants to play without keeping league records. You will not know who you are playing with or against until you get there, and there is no reporting scores to anyone after. There are no refs and you might not even keep score if there aren't any extra people to run the scoreboard.

Still interested? Here are some logistics of how this will work:
  1. Sign-up to participate by filling out this form by Wednesday, Nov 30.
  2. Sandy will contact all sign-ups on Dec 1 with the final cost to play and payment instructions. Full payment will be due by Monday, December 5, so make sure to prepare for that. League costs will be evenly divided among all people who sign-up, so your individual cost depends on the number of signups and could range from $30 to $55.
  3. The league will begin play on Dec 6 and play every Tuesday through March 7 (excluding Dec 20 & 27). All matches start at 6pm and last 1 hour.
  4. All games are played at Athletic Republic in District Heights (near Census HQ)
  5. The facility will have a league roster, and only paid members on our league roster are allowed in.
  6. This website will have a sign-up page for everyone to indicate who is coming each week. Everyone comes when they can and we work out courts when we get there.

Please fill in all fields.

Type of play you prefer:

Please provide any other comments about your involvement with this pick-up volleyball season: